Nun: Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara <p>Jurnal ini diterbitkan oleh Asosiasi Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir se-Indonesia. Jurnal ini memuat hasil-hasil kajian dan studi atau penelitian tentang khazanah Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir di Nusantara, baik terkait sejarah dan tradisi Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir di Nusantara, kesarjanaan Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir mutakhir di Nusantara, dan transregional network internal Nusantara dan wilayah-wilayah Nusantara dengan peradaban Islam lainnya. Jurnal ini ditujukan untuk pengembangan keilmuan tafsir kenusantaraan seluas-luasnya.</p> <p>ISSN : <a href="">2502-3896</a> (Print)<br />ISSN : <a href="">2581-2254</a> (Online)</p> Asosiasi Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir se-Indonesia en-US Nun: Jurnal Studi Alquran dan Tafsir di Nusantara 2502-3896 Tafsir dalam Jejaring Intelektual Indonesia-Hijaz <div><span lang="IN">One of the crucial factors to take into account when examining the variety of Qur'anic interpretations is networks of scholarly transmission. In the realm of Indonesian exegesis, the prevalent network originates from Egypt, evident in the significant impact of al-Manār and its subsequent works on the creation of tafsir and Qur'ānic translations in Indonesia. Prior to Egypt's emergence as a popular choice for Indonesian Islamic education, the primary destination was Hijāz. Concerning tafsir, how does this Hijāz route work? This paper explores the interpretation of the Indonesian-Hijaz axis by analysing one of the tafsir works produced by interpreters of the Indonesian-Hijaz route, namely al-Ibrīz li Ma'rifati Tafsīr al-Qur'ān al-'Azīz by Bisri Mustofa. The inquiry at hand pertains to the intellectual network that influences Bisri Mustofa's tafsir work and the manner in which the Indonesian-Hijaz line of interpretation is manifested in al-Ibrīz. This article employs a historiographical approach, utilising a descriptive analytical method. The study concludes that Muhammad ʿAlawī al-Malikī's <em>al-Qawā'id al-Asāsiyyah fi ʿUlum al-Qur'ān</em> is a significant work in the field of <em>ʿulum al-Qur'ān</em> scholarship within the Indonesian-Hijaz axis, and <em>al-Ibrīz</em> is aligned with this book. Likewise, <em>al-Ibrīz</em> exhibits a closer affinity with the works of al-Bayḍāwī, Jalāl al-Dīn Al-Suyūṭī, and ʿAbd al-Raʾuf al-Sinkilī, who had already gained significant readership in Indonesia prior to the impact of al-Manār. This article demonstrates that the various channels through which scholars transmit their interpretations have an impact on the content of their tafsir.</span></div> Ahmad Avif Okjilshipia Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-25 2023-06-25 9 1 1 25 10.32495/nun.v9i1.429 Kisah Al-Qur'an dalam Tafsir Modern <p>This article provides a detailed analysis of the presentation of Qur'anic stories in contemporary tafsir, with a specific focus on examining the nature and characteristics of modern tafsir. The current approach employed to differentiate classical and modern tafsir has primarily relied on periodization, making it inadequate in addressing the fundamental inquiry regarding the distinguishing characteristics of tafsir's various realities, encompassing both classical and modern iterations. The scholarly discourse surrounding contemporary tafsir subsequently transitions from examining the chronological classification of tafsir to exploring the distinct and varied nature of Qur'anic interpretation as an observable phenomenon. This article aims to provide a focused analysis of Tafsir Al-Azhar, a prominent contemporary exegesis authored by the Indonesian scholar Hamka. The primary objective of this study is to examine Hamka's exegesis of the narrative verses found in the Qur'an. The purpose of selecting this theme is to identify the unique characteristics of modern tafsir, which distinguish it from classical tafsir. This study aims to examine the process of producing modern tafsir, with a particular focus on the interpretation of Qur'anic verses that pertain to the narrative of Prophet Sulaymān, as well as Hārūt and Mārūt mentioned in Q. 2: 102. The contention put forth in this article posits that the categorization of commentaries as classical or modern cannot be definitively determined by the inclusion or exclusion of isrā'īliyāt, as it will invariably be intertwined with the interpretation of Quranic verses pertaining to narratives. However, contemporary scholars of exegesis have revisited a longstanding subject that has historically posed challenges within the Islamic community. This pertains to the question surrounding the validity and significance of <em>isrā'īliyāt</em> literature employed in the interpretation of religious texts. In this particular scenario, there is a tendency among scholars to dismiss isrā'īliyāt narrations that remain subject to debate among both classical and contemporary mufassirs, as well as narratives that lack rational basis.</p> Jesinta Moza Mustika Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-25 2023-06-25 9 1 27 51 10.32495/nun.v9i1.413 Sedimentasi Identitas Keislaman <p>This study investigates the presence of the Qur'an within the agricultural community of Madura. The study of the living Quran encompasses the reception of the Qur'an in the practical context of farming in Madura. This research examines the way in which the Qur'an is experienced and practiced within a specific community, focusing on its performative nature and positioning it under the frame of discursive tradition. The research aims to address two main questions: firstly, what are the many modes of Qur'an performance among the agricultural community in Madura; and secondly, how does the discursive tradition around these performances manifest itself. This study is grounded in a field investigation that gathers data through interviews, observations, and supplementary literature reviews. This article contends that the Qur'an serves as both a prayer and an integral part of the daily life of the farming community in Madura, from the pre-farming stage to harvesting. Additionally, it highlights the pivotal role of the kiai in transmitting Islamic teachings, resulting in the development of traditions that are prevalent among the Madurese community.</p> Alfan Shidqon Riqqi Ramadhan Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-25 2023-06-25 9 1 53 71 10.32495/nun.v9i1.434 Maqāṣid al-Qurʾān Perspektif Ṭāhā Jābir al-ʿAlwānī dan Implikasinya bagi Kajian Tafsīr Maqāṣidī di Indonesia <p>The examination of <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em> serves as the foundation for the interpretation of Qur'anic verses that are directed towards the welfare and advantage of humanity. During the classical era, <em>mufasirs</em> frequently interpreted the Qur'anic verses in a manner that aligned with their theological doctrines, rather than adhering to the universal intent of the revealed verses. In contemporary times, the utilisation of the <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em> approach has become prevalent as a means to mitigate the issue of subjective interpretation in various products. The study conducted by Al-'Alwānī on <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em> holds significant importance in uncovering the universal objectives embedded within the Qur'ānic verses that remain veiled within the text. The present study centres its attention on the subsequent problem formulation: What is the methodology employed by Ṭāhā Jābir Al-'Alwānī in the examination of <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em>, and how does the <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em> methodology developed by Al-'Alwānī find practical application in the interpretation of verses within the Qur'an? What are the implications of Al-'Alwānī's <em>maqāṣid al-qur'ān</em> method for the study of <em>tafsīr maqāṣidi</em> in Indonesia? This study employs a qualitative descriptive approach to conduct library research, aiming to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the collected data. The findings of this study demonstrate that Al-'Alwānī's ideas are grounded in the <em>al-manhaj al-qur'ānī</em> paradigm, which aims to develop the concept of <em>al-Maqāṣid al-Qur'āniyyah al-'Ulyā al-Ḥakimah</em>. This concept encompasses three fundamental principles found in the Qur'an: <em>al-tawḥīd, al-tazkiyah, and al-'umrān</em>. From a practical standpoint, it is possible to situate <em>al-Maqāṣid al-Qur'āniyyah al-'Ulyā al-Ḥākimah</em> within various spheres of existence, encompassing but not limited to the realms of economics, politics, social dynamics, and other pertinent domains. By employing Al-'Alwānī's approach, which is grounded in the principles of <em>al-tawḥīd, al-tazkiyyah, </em>and <em>al-'umrān, </em>the objective of promoting the welfare of individuals can be achieved, encompassing the cultivation of religious moderation. The present study carries significant implications for the hermeneutical analysis of the Qur'an, specifically in relation to the application of <em>maṣlahah</em> (public interest) and the overarching universal intent of the verse, rather than focusing on the theological validity of the mufasir (Qur'anic commentator). The method proposed by Al-Alwānī also plays a significant role in the advancement of <em>tafsīr maqāṣidī</em> in Indonesia, a subject that has been extensively explored and expanded upon by Abdul Mustaqim.</p> Wildah Nurul Islami Wildah Copyright (c) 2023 2023-06-25 2023-06-25 9 1 10.32495/nun.v9i1.376